In the Dynamics NAV, the inventory posting and distribution to the General Ledger is driven by the inventory posting group AND inventory location that is being used by the transaction. As a result, you will have to setup two different settings in Dynamics NAV to ensure that the correct GL posting will occur.
1. Create and Define the proper Inventory Posting groups. These are typically the inventory categories that you want to see in the PL Revenue and CGS section. To navigate to this setup screen search for: “Inventory Posting Groups” in the Dynamics NAV Search field in the top-right-hand side of your NAV screen
2. Create a define the proper Inventory Locations in your NAV system. Please make sure that you clearly understand the impact of the setup for the Location screen as this window will activate or de-activate some Advanced Warehouse Management features in NAV that may not be changeable once you start posting activity for this location. Search for the Dynamics NAV windows called “Locations” to navigate to this part of NAV.
3. Setup the Inventory Posting Group to Inventory Location mapping to tell Dynamics NAV on how to post GL transactions properly. This screen will create a Matrix of records which relate a specific inventory posting group to a specific location and determine which General Ledger accounts to effect with specific transactions. To navigate to this setup screen, please search for the “Inventory Posting Setup” term in the search window.
For more information, or to assist you in the setup, please reach out to us below.