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  • Christian Riechert

Dynamics NAV 2016 2017 – PC and Mac Keyboard Shortcuts

Dynamics NAV 2016 has a number of keyboard shortcuts that can be used to navigate in the system. It becomes more complicated when you are running a MAC OS and Microsoft Remote Desktop Control to access Dynamics NAV in a hosted environment. First of all, you need to activate the Function Keys on your Mac correctly. This is done in the SETTINGS – KEYBOARD section of your MAC OS.

Screen Shot 2016-04-12 at 14.51.39

If you are connected to a Remote Desktop Session and you wish to reset your OWN password on a Windows Server, please use:


Other Microsoft Dynamics NAV Keyboard Shortcuts


Dynamics NAV Classic Client

Dynamics NAV RoleTailored Client (RTC)Move to the next field or characterRIGHT ARROWRIGHT ARROWMove to the previous field or characterLEFT ARROWLEFT ARROWMove to the field above in the same columnUP ARROWUP ARROWMove to the field below in the same columnDOWN ARROWDOWN ARROWClear selected textDELETEDELETEClose the window or undo the data entryESCESCMove to the last field on a lineENDEND (fn+Right Arrow for Mac)Move to the first field on a lineHOMEHOMEMove to the next field on non-line FastTabsARROW, TAB, ENTERTABMove to the next editable fieldENTERDisplay next document or card in a listPAGE UPPAGE UPDisplay previous document or card in a listPAGE DOWNPAGE DOWNOpen HelpF1F1EditF2F2Select Type to filter (field filter)F7F3Drop down or look up to selectF6F4Refresh the active windowF5Go to the next frameCTRL+PAGE DOWNF6Display statisticsF9F7Copy the field aboveF8F8PostF11F9Select the menu bar and display access keysF10, ALTF10, ALTSelect the navigation paneF12F12View error messageSHIFT+F1Select Show Results (FlowFilter)CTRL+F7SHIFT+F3Open a lookup window (from an ellipsis button)F6SHIFT+F4Go to the previous frameCTRL+PAGE UPSHIFT+F6Open the related cardCTRL+F5SHIFT+F7Drop down or look up to viewF6SHIFT+F8Post and PrintSHIFT+F11SHIFT+F9Display a shortcut menuSHIFT+F10SHIFT+F10Apply Entries, Get Source Doc, or Get Whse. DocSHIFT+F11SHIFT+F11Open the Role Center from the navigation paneSHIFT+F12Move to the previous fieldARROW, SHIFT+TABSHIFT+TabCollapse or expand the Action PaneCTRL+F1Create a new documentF3CTRL+F2Select Search pagesCTRL+F3Look up to the related listF5CTRL+F4View entriesCTRL+F5CTRL+F7Release documentCTRL+F11CTRL+F9Select the Action Pane and display key tipsCTRL+F10Reconcile or Split LineCTRL+F11CTRL+F11Select the address barCTRL+F12CopyCTRL+CCTRL+CExport to Microsoft Office ExcelCTRL+ECTRL+EShow LinksCTRL+LCreate a new recordF3CTRL+NOpen the companyCTRL+O, F12CTRL+OPrintCTRL+PCTRL+PSelect SortingSHIFT+F8CTRL+TPasteCTRL+VCTRL+VExport to Microsoft Office WordCTRL+WCTRL+WCutCTRL+XCTRL+XUndoCTRL+ZCTRL+ZMove up while the selected line stays selectedCTRL+UP ARROWMove down while the selected line stays selectedCTRL+DOWN ARROWMove to the first field on a lineCTRL+LEFT ARROWCTRL+LEFT ARROWMove to the last field on a lineCTRL+RIGHT ARROWOpen the About this Page/Report window (Zoom)CTRL+F8CTRL+ALT+F1Delete the selected lineF4CTRL+DELETEMove to the first line in a listCTRL+HOMECTRL+HOMEMove to the last line in a listCTRL+ENDCTRL+END (fn+Right Arrow for Mac)Save and close window (equivalent to clicking OK).ESCCTRL+ENTERInsert new lineF3CTRL+INSERTSelect Limit totals to (table filter)SHIFT+F7CTRL+SHIFT+F3Clear all filtersCTRL+SHIFT+F7CTRL+SHIFT+AOpen a new cardF3CTRL+SHIFT+CShow dimensionsCTRL+SHIFT+DCTRL+SHIFT+DEdit listCTRL+SHIFT+KView listCTRL+SHIFT+LCollapse/expand a line in a hierarchyCTRL+SHIFT+ACTRL+SHIFT+QOpen a card or a document in View modeCTRL+SHIFT+VOpen a list place in a separate windowCTRL+ENTERCTRL+SHIFT+WSave and close the window and open a new windowCTRL+SHIFT+ENTERSelect the menu bar and display access keysALT, F10ALT, F10Filter to the value in the fieldF7ALT+F3Close window or close programALT+F4ALT+F4Collapse or expand the active frameALT+F6Display the Actions menu of the active frameALT+F10Display the Actions menuALT+ADisplay the Related Information menuALT+IDisplay the Reports menuALT+RDisplay the Microsoft Dynamics NAV menuALT+MGo to the previous window in the navigation historyALT+LEFT ARROWGo to the next window in the navigation historyALT+RIGHT ARROWMove to the field below without opening the drop-down menuALT+ENTERSwitch among open windowsALT+TAB

For more information, Contact CBR Technology at 855-227-0700 or via e-mail at .

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